On February 5, 2021, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 1 of 2021, authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to allocate $2.3 million in funding to Washington County for a grant program to provide financial relief to businesses with a primary activity in NAICS Code subsector 721 (Accommodations) and 722 (Food Service and Drinking Places).
The eligibility, application requirements, program design, and program administration are all developed from the text of Act 1 of 2021. Full Guidelines are available by clicking the button below.
As of June 15, 2021 the application window for this program is now closed as stipulated by the legislation. The Washington Industrial Development Corporation (WIDC), an affiliate of the Washington County Chamber of Commerce, will serve as the administrative entity for this program as a Certified Economic Development Organization (CEDO). The WIDC will partner with the Mon Valley Alliance, another Washington County CEDO, to execute the program.
Below is a general overview of the program. Click the button below for full guidelines.
Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:
Business must be located (or headquartered, if more than one location) in Washington County, PA.
Business must have been in operation on February 15, 2020.
Business is not publicly traded.
The primary activity of the business must have a NAICS designation within the Accommodation subsector (721) or the Food Services and Drinking Places subsector (722), as reported on most recent tax return (see full description of eligible NAICS codes at https://www.census.gov/naics/)
Business must have fewer than 300 full-time equivalent employees as of 2/15/2020.
Business net worth must not exceed $15,000,000 computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as of 2/15/2020.
Business must demonstrate and document at least 25% revenue loss due to impact of COVID-19.
Business must be current with all local, county, state, and federal taxes (including hotel occupancy tax).
application process & requirements
Eligible businesses will be required to complete an online application.
Application process is now open
Eligible businesses will be required to furnish the following information:
All requested applicant and business contact/demographic information
Electronic copy of 2019 tax returns.
2019 and 2020 profit and loss statement
A list or summation of all eligible expenses.
Any additional information to complete the application
Certification of business eligibility and expenses.
The Washington County CHIRP program is not a first come-first served program. Applications will be reviewed based on the criteria in Act 1 and review criteria approved by Washington County and will be accepted and reviewed on rolling basis.
award of grant &
grant contracting
Completed applications will be reviewed and considerations for grant awards will be based on satisfaction of eligibility criteria and meeting program guidelines.
Additional priority will be given to applications that:
Have not received a loan or grant issued under the authority of the Commonwealth or the Commonwealth's political subdivisions or by the Federal Government under the CARES Act or Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021;
Were subject to closure by the proclamation of disaster emergency issued by the Governor on March 6, 2020, published at 50 Pa.B. 1644 (March 21, 2020), and any renewal of the state of disaster emergency; or
Can demonstrate a reduction in revenue which meets one of the following:
(A) A reduction in gross receipts of 50% or more for the period beginning after March 31, 2020, and ending before December 31, 2020, in comparison to the period beginning after March 31, 2019, and ending before December 31, 2019.
(B) If the eligible applicant was not in operation during the entire comparison period under clause (A), but was in operation on February 15, 2020, a monthly average reduction in gross receipts of 50% or more for the period beginning after March 31, 2020, and ending before December 31, 2020, in comparison to the period beginning after January 1, 2020, and ending before April 1, 2020.